Monday 12 December 2011

final scene (wedding)

Nurse enters Juliets bedroom.

Nurse: Juliet, Juliet wake up!

Juliet: Im up, and im ready!

Nurse:How are you feeling this morning? nervous? ill go get your mother.

Juliet: im a little nervous and i dont really want to do this but whatever.

Nurse: Lady Capulet!!

Lady Capulet enters the bedroom.

Lady Capulet: What do you want nurse?

Nurse: I thought the mother of th bride should be here with her daughter to get ready.

Juliet: you dont have to stay if you dont want to, its not like i want to do this.

Nurse: dont be silly Juliet, she is your mother.

Lady capulet: go wash your face and hair Juliet.

Juliet leaves the bedroom and lord capulet walks in..

Lord capulet: Where is Juilet going? the wedding is in 2 hours!

Juliet returns to bedroom..

Nurse: well ill get started on her hair.

Lady capulet and lord capulet leave room...

*at the wedding*

here comes the bride, do do da doo

Friar: lets just cut to the chase, do you wish to keep eachother safe until blah blah blah and promise to love eachother through thick and thin?

Juliet: i guess

paris: for sure!<3

Friar: lucky couple, i now pronounce you unhappy husband and wife, you may kiss the bride unless its uncomfortable.


Lady capulet: its about time! now make babies!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Interview... :P

Q: Do you somewhat feel like you are responsible for the death of your daughter?

A: Well, to be honest here, I do feel guilty but I am not responsible for the death of Juliet. I may have been pressuring her a little to much although it was mostly my husband.

Q: Does the death of Tybalt still bring you great pain?

A: Every once and a while I think about the happiness that my Nephew Tybalt brang to my family. It was a silly accident that shouldnt have happened but that dang romeo just couldnt leave him be.

Q: What is happening with the relationship between the Montagues and the Capulets?

A: With the death of three family members between the two families I must say that nothing has changed. the Montagues dont understand that fighting  with us Capulets is going to lead to tradgedies... but then again our two families have been fighting since before I was around. I think it would be nice for us to be friends. 

Q:  Back to the death of Juliet, Do you feel that you could have prevented it?

A: Well no not really but I could have stopped my husband from yelling at her about Paris and maybe could have actually listened to what she was saying.

Q: How has your Husband, Lord Capulet, taking all of this?

A: I think if anyone should feel guilty it would be him., he is very very upset about both deaths in our family and I wish he could stop trying to blame himself for forcing her to be with Paris, but he never really listens to me so yeah.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Story act 3

Today I was Pretty pissed off because I have a bratty little daughter that doesn't listen to me. She just makes me sooo mad like i'm about to lose it on her just like my husband did. I just dont know what to do about her, I mean I love her to death and I would do anything for her but when it comes to her disobeying her father and I. When I get angry I lash out and I don't mean to, I always have people telling me that I'm "to angry" which is embarrassing. The thing that makes me so angry is that my daughter refuses to marry the man my hubby and I chose, Paris. Sometimes I wish he would just marry Juliet's grave so then everyone is happy. The other day I recongnized that I am a very "pushy" woman. Instead of asking Juliet if she wanted to get married I told her. I said, " My child early next Thursday morning the brave, young and nobel gentelman count Paris will make you a joyful bride at St.Peters church." I don't think I was that rude but I got to the point. And I lso don't think the death of my nephew is helping any of us, or even my anger problems.

Monday 28 November 2011


Being a snoop is AWESOME. It helps you be a good mother.
Your are a very perfect lady. You care about your husband and daughter very much and wouldn't want to upset them. You and your daughter are very close yet she is keeping one of the biggest secrets from you.. She's getting married and you don't know. You try to figure out whats going on, your kinda like a snoop.


Friday 18 November 2011

Lady Capulet Entry One

I think it's crazy that Paris would like to marry my daughter whom is too young. She is only 13 turning 14 in a few odd days, and I believe he should wait for her hand a couple more years. Paris is a very upright young fellow who i believe would be a very great choice for my beautiful daughter, Juliet. He is an intelligent, handsome, and quite charming young man. Then again all the other newly married ladies are very young. I will leave the choice up to Juliet whom she would prefer to marry, as long as its not that darn Romeo boy. He (Romeo) sounds like a real trouble maker, he tends to get his heart  into situations where it doesnt belong. I dont want his negative energy poisoning my daughters mind. Honestly i dont want to lose my little girl to a man whom I do not trust. On the upside there is going to be a splendid party tonight hosted at my very house! No Montagues will be allowed and it will be a chance for my little Juliet to bond with Paris. Maybe if I'm lucky my husband will ask me to dance, it has been a loooong time since I've "danced".